"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Stumbling Blocks

Do you have any unspoken stumbling blocks in your house? I do. Literally. Every single time I walk into the kitchen I trip over this small blue stool. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And, it's never in the same place so I would know where to look for it at. 
After I have tripped over the stool I pick it up and carry it back to it's spot...every.single.time...but, somehow or another, the next time I am in the kitchen, I trip over it again...this is a constant battle between me and a certain child who will remain nameless. I don't fuss about it, because the stool being in the kitchen means this child has been independent and getting things for themselves...so I keep quiet. The same child is probably wondering how their stool keeps moving out of the kitchen.
I know this sounds silly, and it is. But sometimes we have other stumbling blocks...the one's we keep trying to get too, but something (or someone) more important always comes along...
 And, yes, that is a basket FULL of clean clothes, I've faithfully been washing clothes every Monday and Friday as usual, but somehow this past week or so I've not gotten to the actual folding and putting away.

Then you have the things you used to do, but right now they are a reminder of how much time you don't have...a physical reminder of how you need to take better care of yourself and you need to exercise. But, right now everyone and everything seems to come first.
 What are you stumbling over today? Are your stumbling blocks weighing you down? Are you constantly tripping over your child's stool? Or toys? What are you going to do with the things that you are stumbling over? Today, I am thankful for that stool that I have been tripping over for weeks. It means that I have a child who is getting more and more independent every day. I am thankful for that pile of clean laundry that seems to grow and grow. It means we are blessed, we have clothing, a washing machine and dryer. I am thankful for the elliptical...it's a constant reminder that I need to exercise and yes, I need a physical reminder. I may not have time for it right now, but this is a season and it too shall pass.
For the record, I could have gotten that pile of laundry done today, but I chose to do the more important task. I took the kids on a walk to the library, then once we were home, I stayed outside with them for two hours so they could enjoy this rare warm day in January. I am thankful that they are both healthy and able to play outside today! I am thankful for the beautiful sunny day we had.

"Always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:20

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