"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Share Four Somethings July 2024

It really is true, the older you get, the faster time goes. Even when you are trying to slow down and cherish the moments. I can't believe we are at the end of July.

Anyway, I am happy to be able to look back over the month and link up with Jennifer to share my Four Somethings. I will be sharing things I've loved or disliked, something accomplished, something improved upon/or needs to be improved, and something I've noticed.

Something Loved or Disliked

We started out July with a trip to Tennessee. It went by WAY too fast!!! We stayed with my younger sister, her husband, and my niece. We also got to see my brother, his wife, and a few of his sons. On the 4th of July we went and saw the fireworks, it was a fabulous display. We also took a trip to Chattanooga to go to McKay's and the Whistlestop, which makes fabulous desserts. Mine was gluten free and dairy free, and I didn't feel too guilty about it because it was right before I had to go on a food detox, avoiding dairy, gluten, and sugar.


Something Accomplished

While I am sure I have accomplished things in July, don't ask me what they are, LOL! I simply don't remember. Lots of work, that is what I am going with! I am in the middle of a month detox, so I have accomplished two full weeks of no gluten, dairy, or sugar, while taking a gazillion supplements.

Something Improved upon or needs improvement

My health is an on-going work in progress. I have been working with my functional medicine doctor almost a year. I am seeing improvement in my memory (praise God!), and some days I even have quite a bit of energy. I think if I could manage to squeeze in another hour or two of sleep, I would be seeing more improvements. 

Something Noticed

Last Saturday, we noticed mouse droppings 😡 and scattered chocolate powder in the pantry, which made for a long day as we went on a mouse hunt and cleaning spree. We never found the mouse, it had only gotten into one muffin mix in the pantry, nothing else, and then mouse droppings in the basement in a few areas. We immediately set traps. Sunday morning there was a mouse in one of the traps in the basement. We haven't seen any signs of another one, so hopefully that took care of it.

Something Fun

I turned 46 on July 19th, I know, I know, I am having a hard time believing it too 😉 I am sure I don't look a day over 40 😂😂. In all seriousness, I am thankful for each and every year I get. Some days I feel my age, and some days I don't. While I couldn't eat cake or cookies or anything like that because of my detox, I still had a good birthday weekend. My husband bought me a new bike (there's a story there), Kayla got me fun bookish socks, and Elijah got me some books from my Amazon wishlist. I am blessed.

"To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Philippians 4:20

 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
What is something you have loved, accomplished, improved upon, or noticed this month?? To see what other bloggers are sharing this month head over to Jennifer's blog.


  1. Your trip looks like a lot of fun, and I'm glad you enjoyed celebrating your birthday too!

  2. Happy Birthday! Is sounds like a nice celebration. You have definitely accomplished something with that detox! Wow, can´t be easy! Those desserts you had with family look amazing :). It looks like your trip to TN was a blast!

    1. Maria, we did have a great time in TN. And, I am working hard on the detox! Only 9 more days to go!

  3. Happy belated birthday! My birthday was in July too. It sounds like you had a wonderful month with your trip.

    1. Thanks Joanne, and happy belated birthday!

  4. Happiest brithday wishes to you! Sounds like you had a nice birthday month...and look at that dessert/treat! Wow...those are some desserts!:) I might need to visit that place - lol. Hope the mouse invasion was one and done. It would had something similar about two weeks ago. Ugh!! Here's to a great month ahead...and even more positive steps with your health!!

    1. Thanks so much Jennifer! So far, still only the one mouse, so hoping and praying that's it. I am struggling with vertigo today, a forced rest day, day 17 of detox. I am hoping this is a one and done too!

  5. The trip to Tennessee looks like a lot of fun, and I'm glad you had a good birthday celebration, even minus the sweet treats. Hope there are no more mice still lurking! =8-O Have a great August!

    1. Thanks Kym! So far, no sign of other critters, praise God!!

  6. What a great trip! And Happy Belated Birthday! Seems like you "accomplished" a lot in July though. 🤗

  7. Belated Happy Birthday! Your trip looks like great fun. Health becomes an ongoing struggle, doesn’t it? In mine I’ve found conventional wisdom doesn’t always apply. Human bodies just aren’t machines where one strategy fits all. Good luck on your detox!

    1. Olivia, yes, health is an on-going battle, especially as we get older.


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