"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Monday, February 4, 2013

Charlotte Nature Museum

Friday, February 1, 2013

Today we took a field trip to the Charlotte Nature Center. We were really excited that Matt took off work and was able to go with us.
We started with the Insect Alley...Elijah wasn't happy with the picture...not sure what he was thinking...But we got Science in for the day ;)
He perked up when he put the insect head on...

Beautiful butterfly garden! We didn't stay in there very long because Kayla was afraid they would actually land on her and she was scared. Yes, seriously, it was a big deal. I thought it was really neat that we were close enough we could actually see it's tongue curled as it got it's food. That's nature up close and personal.

Cutie doing a puppet show....

Both cuties...
 Elijah said "Look! An old-fashioned Frisbee!" Matt and I laughed out loud! That was a pretty creative idea....

 Throwing the old-fashioned Frisbee...
Kayla playing music... 

 We talked about Nomad's (incorporating History) when we saw the tepee..
 Rock Climbing...
We headed over to the park after the museum...did I mention it was 38 degrees and very windy...yep, that's me and Kayla all bundled up on the swings...we did some spelling on the swings...

Monkey on the monkey bars...I mean PE...

Second monkey on the monkey bars...oh, excuse me, I mean the second child participating in PE...

Working hard...
We really enjoyed the nature museum and will visit it again in the future...
It's days like this, being able to drop everything and go to a museum, that really make us enjoy Home Schooling and the freedom that comes with it.
Sorry the pictures and captions are not lining up properly...it has been that kind of day!

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