"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Prayer

I no longer make New Year Resolutions...mainly because I don't keep them and it stresses me out. This year I have a New Year's prayer...

For Matt, my best friend, husband, father of my children, who I could not possibly love more:
I pray that he would continue to embrace his role as the head of our household. I pray that he would continue to do our budget so we can make sound financial decisions in 2013. I pray that he would continue to grow closer to Kayla and Elijah, continue reading his Bible and setting that example for the kids. I pray that that he would have safe travels as he travels with his job this year. I pray that we would continue to draw closer to each other and closer as a family. I pray that God would continue to guide and lead his steps and he would have the ears to hear what God wants from him. I pray that God would move in a mighty way for him this year.

My prayer for Kayla, my first born, only daughter, sweet tween girl:
I pray that God would help her to understand her hormones and all the changes that her body is going through, that He would help her to deal with it in a healthy way. I pray that he would help her with her patience with her brother when he is just wanting her attention and she is just wanting to be alone. I pray that God would give her a very good friend, her age, that understands her and what she is going through. I pray that Kayla would have a heart for God, will continue to be excited about reading her Bible and learning more about God. That her excitement wouldn't decrease, but would continue to grow. I pray that she would continue to love helping others and that she remains sweet and loving. I pray for her as she has her mood swings, that she will be able to handle them and express what she is feeling. I pray that she will continue to grow in her wisdom and knowledge of what's right and wrong and that she would listen to what her conscience is telling her. I pray that she would love school and know what she wants to study and be motivated to do the work set before her. I pray that as she changes she would figure out who she wants to be and embrace it. I pray that she will know who she is and not ever let anyone change her. I pray that she has the courage and faith to stand by her decisions and not be swayed by peer pressure.

My prayer for Elijah, my baby, only son, sweet, funny boy:
I pray that God would give him the desire to learn more about Him. I pray that he will continue to embrace life in the way he does, with healthy doses of humor. I pray that he doesn't lose his sense of humor and start taking life too seriously. I pray that he would eventually lose a tooth! I pray that he would be slow to anger, quick to love. I pray that he would have patience for a sister who has always had time and patience for him, but is struggling with who she is and the emotions he is feeling. I pray that they would continue to be best friends and continue to be there for each other. I pray that Elijah would be motivated with his school work and the daily tasks set before him. I pray that he would rest better at night so he wouldn't be tired during the school day. I pray that both kids would love to exercise and do more of it. I pray that Elijah would know who he is and not let others change him. I pray that he has the courage and faith to stand by his decisions and not be swayed by peer pressure. I pray that he would grow in wisdom and knowledge and know the differences between right and wrong. I pray that when they do make a wrong decision that they learn from it and have the ability to move on. I pray that he would be the boy that God wants him to be.

My prayer for myself: That God would continue to improve my health. That the doctor would find answers or I would accept that there is no answer. I pray that I would be the wife and mother that God wants me to be. I pray that He would give me the wisdom and discernment I need daily when teaching and being with the kids. I pray He would guide me in our home schooling journey for as long as this is the call on our life. I pray that I would not get discouraged, I would lean not on my own understanding, but on what God wants for us each and every day, every minute. I pray that I would be a good role model for the kids, that I would hold my tongue when it needs to be held. That I would be slow to anger, quick to love. I pray that my kids would always know how much Matt and I love them and that we would treat them as the precious gifts that they are. I pray that I would be a good friend to all my friends and family, not looking to my own interests, but theirs. That I could be the friend that God wants me to be. I pray for the energy and motivation that I need to get moving and accomplishing all the tasks that need to be done each day. I pray for more organizational skills and the time to get things organized. I pray that I would have the motivation to exercise more and teach the kids how fun it can be!

For all my friends and family, I pray for you: good health, peace in all the decisions you make, love and happiness and nothing but good things. Of course there are going to be times of stress and turmoil, I pray that God leads you through it and that you lean on Him. I pray that you will be blessed!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:19

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

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