"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday School

This morning in Sunday School class as we were doing prayer requests I realized how much I am going to miss this group of people when we move to Greece. It hit me from out of no where. I don't usually dwell on who or what I am going to miss each time we move, it just makes the move more difficult. I try to take it one day at a time, one moment at a time. I was watching how everyone was interacting and at times cutting up when it hit me. This group of people may only see each other at Church, but they treat each other like family. They way they pick and cut up and how someone usually finds a way to break the tension with a wise crack or well placed jab.
When we first started attending the class, Matt and I were a bit overwhelmed. We had never been in a SS class that had almost 40 people. I think it took me almost 6 months before I got comfortable enough to speak up. It's still hard when there is a lot of people, I don't like being the center of attention and it's scary when 40 sets of eyes turn your way! Anyway, I digress.
I appreciate the way that it's not one person's responsibility to teach week after week. I like that people are willing to step up and teach. I also appreciate the way it's not expected that everyone take a turn teaching. It's not everyone's gift to be able to teach adults. It's certainly not my gift. I can honestly say that everyone that has taught has done a good job and I appreciate the different teaching styles that each person has. I enjoy our Sunday School class and have learned a lot from the various studies that we have done over the two years that we have been there.
Over the two years the class has seen a lot of transition, people coming in and going out, but I truly appreciate the core group and the closeness that they have. I appreciate all of the people who have taken a turn to teach. I appreciate when someone is not afraid to be "real" in class. I am thankful for this group of people who have accepted my family into their group. I may not be real close with everyone in there, but I appreciate the friendships I have made and the support that this group has given me.
So, to all those that are in my Sunday School class, I am going to miss you! I hope that you will continue to pray for my family once we move and not just forget us. We will continue to pray for you all and will certainly keep up with you on Facebook :).

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