"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Picnic fun

Do you remember when we were kids and played outside all day?? Our parents didn't want us in the house, they expected us to be out...today was one of those days for my kids. I was grumpy because Elijah's soccer games got cancelled because the fields were too wet and the kids didn't want to go anywhere! I didn't want to stay home because I knew they would play too much video games and I would spend the day working. We ran a few errands this morning and then after lunch they went out to play. They invited our neighbors over, which always makes the playtime longer and so much more fun. They decided to have a picnic on the newly built bridge and had a wonderful time playing.
 Creek fun!
Playing in the creek!
Trying to tie each other to the tree!!
 The boys are asking the girls to tie them up!!!
 Sam tying up the boys...laugh and giggles all around.
Colby wouldn't stop squirming so Elijah ended up falling, still having a great time!
I miss carefree days when my biggest worries were what to wear and who to play with. Although, with 3 siblings, I doubt I ever had to worry about having someone to play with. I am thankful that we have good neighbors and the kids have someone to play with. I hope they don't grow up to fast and continue to have more carefree days like today.

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