"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Share Four Somethings July 2021

 At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I cannot believe July is almost over. I think the summers typically feel like they are going by quick (except maybe last summer), but this summer seems to be speeding by. 

Something Loved

I got to spend Fourth of July in Tennessee, seeing two of my siblings and their families. This is a picture of me with my brother and younger sister. To hear more about this trip or just look at all the pictures you can click here

Something Read or Said

I feel like it was a low reading month for me. I am currently reading several books. One that I thought would be a fairly quick because it is small has proven me wrong. What if Jesus Was Serious About Prayer? by Skye Jethani is to be read slow and savored. Each "chapter" is 2-3 pages, but then there are a couple of verses of Scripture to look up to cement the point. I am enjoying it, but it simply cannot be rushed.

A book that I devoured this month really surprised me. Let's get one thing clear: I NEVER and I mean EVER read Science Fiction...however, this one book kept popping up and I finally decided I had to see what all the hype was about. I checked out this book from the library and read it within 2 days! I highly recommend Jody Hedlund's Come Back to Me, even if you are not a Science fiction fan...I can almost guarantee it will keep your attention. If you would like to see all my
thoughts about it you can click here.

Something Treasured

This one is harder for me this month, but I am going to say birthdays...which is a sign of life. To be clear the birthday is not what was hard, just finding something treasured this month. It's not even like there's not things to treasure...I am just struggling a bit and will leave it at that. I just turned 43 this week and I am thankful for another year.


Something Ahead

Next weekend we will be in Virginia visiting my sister-friend Lynette and her family. We met back in 2008 when our kids were little and both our families were living in Singapore. We saw them almost everyday, did holidays and vacations together for 3 years...she is my sister and my kids consider her kids their cousins, they feel like they were raised together! We have been blessed to be able to continue our friendship now that we all back in the states...although I miss the days that we lived across the apartment complex from each other! 

So, what about you? What is something that you have loved in this month? Something you have read or said? Something treasured? Something you are looking forward to? I would love to hear from you! 

"To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Philippians 4:20

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

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 Share Four Somethings


  1. I agree, this month is flying by! Hope you had a good birthday. And thanks for the book recommendations - the prayer one sounds particularly good. Visiting from Share Four Somethings.

    1. Hi Lesley, thanks for stopping by! I did have a good birthday :) I love to read and love to recommend books, I hope you are able to read What if Jesus was serious about Prayer? It is really good.

  2. I agree. Summer goes way to fast and winter lasts way to long. But I wouldn't want to live where there is no visible change of seasons. Each one brings it's own beauty.

    Oddly enough the hardest birthday for me was my 25th. I living in a new city 350 miles from home. Even with new friends to help me celebrate, it was still lonely.

    1. Hi Barb, thanks for stopping by! We lived in Singapore for 3 1/2 years and it was either hot and rainy or hot and dry, always in the 80's and 90's. It was great, but we really did miss the seasons! I started decorating for every holiday just to break up the monotony. Being far from family is hard for birthdays, but I am used to it, unfortunately. I live in NC, my parents and older sister live in IN, my brother and younger sister live in TN...my husband's family is a little over an hour away.

  3. Skye is one of my favorite authors! I can't wait to dive into this book.

    1. I had never heard of him. I will have to look at some of the other books he has written.

  4. The months do go by quickly, don't they? Happy Birthday - I hope this is a year of many blessings for you!

    1. Yes, the months do fly by. I think faster as you get older, lol. Thank you, it was a good birthday.

  5. Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your trip to Virginia (from my little spot here in the Commonwealth)!:)

    1. Thank you! We always do enjoy our trips to VA, we had thought about living there at one point in time...just too expensive for us (it would have been near DC).

  6. So glad you were able to visit with family this month!

    1. Me too! It really helps to be able to see them again!

  7. I have heard many good things about the prayer book, I need to read it! Happy Birthday!

    1. I am still enjoying it. It is great. Thanks for the birthday wishes and for stopping by.


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