"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Monday, July 12, 2021

God Showed Up

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 I started this post this morning and as most days go I am just getting back to it. I had first titled it "Monday Blues" and it started like this...I am struggling this morning. I am depressed and moody and trying to be okay to not affect the mood in the house. Can anyone relate? I know part of it is that I am WAY overtired. I also know another part of it is a situation that I can't see a way out of. Knowing those things doesn't exactly help. So, in case you are struggling too, I wanted to do a quick post with some (hopefully) funny content!

Then, God showed up...

Let me explain. Matt and I have been trying to plan to be away this weekend since May. We have looked for places at the beach, in the mountains, somewhere between here and there, and essentially anything else that we could think of that was not too far from home. Every time Matt found us a place he thought would work and got ready to show it to me it had already been booked. Finally, on Saturday, we gave up. We figured the dog had just had surgery, the timing wasn't right, and maybe we  didn't need to leave the kids home alone for the weekend. 

Then, this morning I popped on Facebook, and in one of my groups was a post similar to this: Timeshare available from Wednesday to Monday for X amount of dollars, great views, quiet, nice amenities, etc. I sent it to Matt and said, "What do you think?" He called me and we talked about it. We didn't know if it was still available because it was posted last night. So we decided before moving ahead with any plans to see if it was still available. It was. Then Matt said maybe I could go on up on Wednesday and he could join me on Friday. If you know me at all, you know that I do not normally go off and stay anywhere by myself. For so many reasons. Mostly, the guilt of leaving my family to fend for themselves for any amount of time. And, I don't like spending the night places by myself. However, I knew (even before the opportunity came up), that this is what I NEED. I need a bit of time alone and I need time alone with my husband. The past few years have been hard and we have not been on dates or trips or anything for way too long. So, we are going! I am super excited to leave on Wednesday and practice some self-care. Taking care of just me for a day and a half, and then being with Matt while we have no responsibilities for a few days. Obviously, if the kids need us we will come home. We are only going three hours away.

Can I just encourage you today a truth that God has revealed over and over again? He will always provide what we NEED. Not necessarily what we want, but what we need. It's sad and I feel guilty to say that I need time alone, but taking care of foster kids, then covid and foster kids, then a dog, I have not taken care of myself as I should and I don't get a lot of alone time, or time to rejuvenate. 

I am feeling extremely blessed (and still a bit depressed), but I am thankful for this opportunity. I will leave the few memes in the post so maybe you will get a giggle.

Also, this is one of Elijah's favorite videos to watch...it is pretty funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDQLp7VgTSY if nothing else, watch the first 3 minutes 😂


Here Are The Top 10 Friends Memes That Are Getting Us ...17 of the funniest Friends memes that are totally relatable 

19 Funniest Squirrel Meme That Make You Smile | MemesBoy I hope you have a happy and blessed Monday. I pray your day is going well.

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