"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


We all have gifts, whether we recognize it or not. In the Christian circle they are called spiritual gifts and the Bible tells us that everyone gets them and you are to use them to bring glory to God. I can hear you now, you don't think you have any special gifts and I understand and have been there. As I have gotten older and am learning to listen to the Lord more, I am recognizing what my true gifts are. I am still trying to figure out how to utilize them to the best of my ability, to His glory. If you had asked me when I was younger what my gifts are I would have said, "Well, I love little kids so I must be gifted with kids." A few years later I would have told you that I was gifted to teach little kids. As I look back and reflect on my life so far I would still say I am gifted with kids and I love to be around them. Some days I would not say I am a gifted teacher, but I am teaching my children so I need to work harder at this task that has been set before me! I would also say that I love to encourage people and have been told that I am gifted with encouragement. I have always loved sending people encouraging notes in the mail, and if this is my gift, I am currently failing at it as I don't do that anymore. Obviously there are other ways to encourage people and I like to think that I am doing that, but I would still say I am not utilizing it as well as I could be.  One other thing that I really enjoy doing and makes me happy is serving and helping other people. I always offer to help when I know someone needs help and sometimes I am taken up on that and other times I am not. But, I truly enjoy helping and it makes me so happy to be able to do so.
One thing has recently pushed me out of my comfort zone and I am currently exploring and praying about, is if I am a gifted writer. I have NEVER thought that I was and I still don't, but I have been told in the last 3 weeks at least 5 times by 5 different people that I am. I am not counting Matt in this as he's told me that since I have started this blog, but of course I didn't believe him as I thought he was only trying to be encouraging. I don't handle compliments well and don't particularly know how to respond. One of my current professors was one of the people who have told me that I was gifted with writing. So, since I have been told this so frequently recently I am wondering why and what I should do about it. I really love writing this blog, even when I feel that I don't have anything to say. I am not really interested in writing the great American novel...I still don't feel like I have much to say. I would love to be able to make a difference in people's lives. I look at the ladies in Proverbs 31 Ministries and last semester I thought it would be great to be on staff with them and be able to encourage people like they do...but I let that thought slip away. I also look at people like Beth Moore and Karen Kingsbury and what a difference they are making in people's lives and again I would love to be able to do that, I just don't know how and through what medium. I am not a speaker and I don't want to be famous, that's not what I am saying. I truly would love to make an impact on people's lives, serving as Christ would have me serve, for HIS glory, not mine.
So, going back to what I started with, all of us are gifted in some way, Christian or not. I have some friends who I look at and they are great with hospitality and gifts of service and if they ever got turned on to the Lord I can see the great things they could do for Him. What are your gifts?? And don't tell me that you don't have any because YOU DO! Are you using them for His glory or your own glory?? Are you using them at all? I don't know if they are like other things where if you don't use them they go away, but what if they are?? What a waste it would be if you were essentially throwing them away. If you are not sure of your gifts start analyzing what you are good at and what you love doing. Then look for ways that you can use those gifts!! Go out and do big things for God!

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