"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Back to America

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! We are back in the states and have no plans to leave again anytime soon or possibly ever (not going to say never!).
Yesterday was rough but we made it back to the states safely, which I am very thankful for. We had a lot of turbulence on our flights and even with Dramamine I felt sick, but thankfully didn't get sick. Jetlag is no joke and I didn't sleep well last night. I have been awake since three am, but I am so thankful to be back in the states. When we flew into D.C. the passport control guy said "Welcome Home." Let me tell you, in the middle of traveling and after being so homesick and miserable there are no greater words "Welcome Home." If you see me in the next few weeks feel free to say it often and with enthusiasm!
Some things I am excited or at least happy about in the last 19 hours:
All our luggage arrived and in one piece!
The bathroom doesn't smell like a sewer!
We can flush toilet paper!!
We can flush the toilet while someone is in the shower and it is not going to scald them and then immediately freeze them!
I didn't hear my neighbors' kids running up and down the stairs half the night.
Kayla and I went to Target this morning!
Everyone followed the traffic laws, we drove my mini-van and we had no trouble with parking and there was very little traffic!
We bought clothes, boots and groceries all in one place!
We flushed toilet paper at Target too!
The bathrooms in Target were super clean!
Everyone treated us nicely and welcomed us with smiles!
We went to the bank and everything was super efficient and again, we were greeted with smiles and how are you's...and thank you and have a great day!
Kayla picked Chick-fil-a for lunch and it was super yummy!
We were out all morning and I didn't feel like I needed to shower when I got home because we didn't smell like exhaust, cigarette smoke or Greek food.
I am doing a load of laundry and all our dark clothes fit in one load!
I didn't have to drain the washing machine!
I didn't have to drain the dryer!
My kids have been SO HAPPY TODAY!!!! LOTS of laughter!!!
Kayla and I had a girls morning and she kept saying how happy she was to be back in the states! She is literally giddy with excitement.
Everything we have attempted to do today has been easy and fun, even with 4 hours of sleep!
I know these next few weeks are not going to be all rosy and happy but we are off to a great start. The only dimmer on our excitement is that Matt is not with us and we don't yet know our final destination, but this is a short time to be away from Matt and I trust God with our future!
Look for the tiny blessings in your day and chose to focus on them, instead of the things that frustrate and overwhelm you!

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