"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Friday, February 4, 2022

Five Minute Friday: Achieve

Since we are still fairly early in the new year, when I think of the word "achieve" I immediately think of goals. When we set goals we have the thought that we are going to achieve them. However, if I look over the goals I set at the beginning of the year and how I am doing, I might be tempted to say that I am failing.

However, I choose to believe that I am failing only if I am not working toward them. If I give up and quit trying to reach them, then I have failed. I think too often we give up because things are hard and we are not seeing the progress we were hoping to see. But, if we continue to work toward our goals, we are at least making progress. 

Making progress gets us closer to achieving those goals than quitting does. 

Remember that the next time you are disappointed with the progress you are making. You only fail if you give up. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, moving toward that goal.

Five Minute Friday's is hosted by Kate Motaung. She provides a weekly prompt, you set the timer for 5 minutes and write. Once we finish writing we post our thoughts on our blog (or whatever platform we wish), and then link-up with Kate. If you would like to join in or see what other people's thoughts are on today's prompt, click on the icon below.

What do you think of when you heard the word "achieve?" 

I would love to hear your thoughts!



  1. I agree, the progress is so important, every step along the journey toward the destination counts!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement and for stopping by!

  2. we do need to keep trying don't we? To think.. today, I can try again! FMF19

  3. Goals are product of intent
    and you cannot go wrong
    if in the times your life gets bent
    you keep on keeping on.
    Just do one small thing every day
    (be sure to write it down!),
    for this is the bestest way
    that your dreams won't drown,
    but rise to walk upon the waves
    to the distant shore,
    and you'll know that Jesus saves
    and holds open the door
    to play His kind and loving part
    for treasures He placed in your heart.

    1. Andrew, that is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I agree, we do need to write things down, it helps us to see our progress.

  4. i don't know, i just don't think of myself as an achiever. maybe there's a more apt word for where i find myself?

    He knows..

    1. Linda, you don't set goals and then do them? I am a big achiever, I like setting the goals (even for like Goodreads) and then I am happy when I reach them.

  5. Quitting is definitely failing. Thanks for the reminder that slower than I would like progress is not failing.


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