"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Friday, February 11, 2022


Why do people have such a hard time committing to something? 

When I think of the word commit the verse 

Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
    and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3

comes to mind. So many people say they will do something and then don't. I would much rather someone be honest with me and tell me they are not going to do it then to commit to it and not do it. I let my yes be yes and my no be no. I will not commit to something unless I plan to do it. I have learned not to over commit myself otherwise it brings stress and chaos. There is enough of that in this world and I don't want to invite it into my house.

However, so many people will not commit to anything or anyone. I think in a lot of ways they are afraid of commitment or afraid of what might happen if things do not go as they plan. That is why we need to commit our plans to the Lord, He will establish our path. We need to stop being afraid of what might happen and step out in faith that it will all work out according to God's plan (FEAR IS A LIAR). Also, don't feel like you have to give an answer right away when someone asks you to do something. I would recommend taking the time to think about it and pray about it before giving an answer. The fastest way to over commit ourselves is to let our fear of disappointing another person make us give an immediate yes, even when we do not have the time for whatever they might be asking from us. 

What are you struggling to commit to? What stands in your way? Why not commit your plans to the Lord and see where He leads you.

I am joining in on a weekly meet-up called Five Minute Friday and today's topic is commit. If you would like to see what others have to say about commit click on the icon below to be taken to Kate's page. 


  1. This is wisdom, Cindy, "I have learned not to over commit myself otherwise it brings stress and chaos, and I don't want to invite it into my house."

    1. Thanks Lisa, I appreciate you stopping by :)

  2. If I say I'll get it done,
    that means exactly what it says,
    in the rain or in the sun,
    unto, yeah, the end of days,
    and that, I think, might really sound
    like I'm patting my own back,
    but, dude, when I think it round,
    it's more of something that I lack,
    'cause saying yes to everything
    is more looking for approval,
    and the beat of fear's dun wing
    cancels hope for my renewal
    since time I might take for myself
    is left neglected on the shelf.


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