"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Share Four Somethings-July 2023

Well, it looks like I might get this post out in the month of July, yay! This month has gone quickly and I can't believe Tuesday is August. This has been a weird summer and it's also weird that I am not preparing for the school year. Anyway, I am happy to be able to look back over the month and link up with Jennifer to share my Four Somethings. I will be sharing things I've loved, learned, read, and ate!

 Something Loved

I have loved the participation and growth we have experienced with our new business. I enjoyed celebrating my 45th birthday. I also enjoyed my week in Tennessee. I got to see my brother and some of his family, and spend quite a bit of time with my sister and her family. We had some great pool days and I was able to relax for the first time this summer. One of my best friends, gave me a $25 dollar gift card to Amazon, where I immediately purchased three books from my wishlist (of course I did 😂). Kayla made me a wearable pin cushion which I believe everyone who sews needs one!! I had Kayla go out and get me cupcakes for my birthday (they were okay), and I had Matt bring home burgers for dinner, they were fabulous! My sister spoiled me a bit in Tennessee by having her husband make me a steak dinner, and she made me coffee cake cookies, which were AMAZING. She also got me a bookish tote and T-shirt! Finally, my mom sent me a fabulous crochet book. It is one of the best birthdays I have had. 


Something Learned 

So much. I am still learning so much about running a business. However, this time, I prefer to focus on this impulse buy I bought in TN. We have the original game of Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza, and LOVE it. When I saw this expansion pack, I HAD to have it. Now, we are learning it and it is hilarious (and somewhat hard to keep everything straight, which adds to the hilarity). It is a great group game and one I highly recommend.

Something Read

July is another record low reading month for me (13 and I *might* finish one more by Tuesday). But, I have had 6-five star reads, which is fabulous! I will put the book cover up and you can click on the cover of the book if you are interested in learning more. Also, Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster was a reread because it was our book club pick-all the ladies loved it! Merritt and her Childhood Crush was also a reread, but this time I listened to it on audio book-it was fabulous both ways. 

Another post I did on my book blog this month was highlight 45 of my favorite books. You can see that here, if you are interested 😀. It was VERY hard to narrow down to just 45!!!


Something I Ate

I feel like I should say EVERYTHING! I ate awful this month and my weight is still reflecting it. Here is just a few pictures of what I ate. I am over. I saw a picture taken of me on Thursday and I looked fat, and I just couldn't deal. I am overweight and I NEED to do a better job of taking care of myself. I also need to get back into a regular exercise routine and cut back out all the junk. I will feel so much better if/when I do that. I am planning to start back (again!) tomorrow. I would really appreciate prayers for motivation and self-control. As you can see from the pictures, it's not all bad...but it's not good either 😂


To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Philippians 4:20

 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
What is something you have loved, learned, read, or ate this month?? To see what other bloggers are sharing this month head over to Jennifer's blog.


  1. It sounds like your month was a good one. Happy Birthday! How nice to get to see family and to be spoiled. You deserve it! I checked out your post about your business. That sounds exciting! I hope it goes well for you. On your business website, I checked out how far we are from one another (we are both in Ohio). Unfortunately, we are about three hours away so I can't take lessons from your daughter. God certainly seem to want you two to be in business. I can't help but think that it will be a success!!

    1. Thanks Maria! I appreciate the encouragement.

  2. I have that same book tshirt shown in one of your pictures. It sounds like you are learning a lot with the start of your new business!

    1. Thanks Tanya, that's the gift my sister gave me :)

  3. Happy birthday! What a wonderful month of family and fun. I feel you on the needing to find my way back to healthier eating and exercise. I'm making small strides in that area but of course wishing the progress was MUCH faster! Off to check out your book post.. I'm always on the hunt for more books.

    1. Joanne, it was a fun month. I am always reading something, so I always have a lot of suggestions, LOL!

  4. Cindy, congrats on your new business! I love how God works! You must be learning so much I'm amazed you're not overwhelmed! Looking forward to hearing more in the months to come!

    1. Donna, no one said I wasn't overwhelmed, LOL! There are definite moments, and some days I just need to walk away for a bit.

  5. A month of so many yummy cookies! What's not to love....I have never met a cookie that I did not love! Well, almost. Here's to a month ahead of "getting back on track" - that is my plan, at least!! And congratulations on your new business. That's impressive!!:)

    1. Jennifer, thanks. Technically, I am not supposed to eat sugar (it makes me cranky), but once you get on it, it's so hard to get back off of it, wish me luck!! Yes, here is to a month of getting back on track, keep me accountable, LOL!

  6. Happy Birthday, Cindy! I'm glad it was your best birthday ever and hope it is a fantastic year for you! Daddy long legs is a fun read! The cookies look delicious, and I pray you have a grace-filled month enjoying healthy food, resulting in healthy feelings. :)

  7. Sweets are a weakness of mine too, especially when celebrating. I'm still recovering from our anniversary cruise in May but I'm trying to be gentle with myself. Our bodies were meant to weather these kind of events and we were meant to be able to celebrate. (Just perhaps not to excess). Sounds like you had a lovely month of reading too. I'm jealous of your books count. Haha. I would like to read that much in a month. :-)

    1. Bethany, I squeeze in every moment of reading that I can! It is by far my favorite hobby!!! Yes, I don't normally eat THAT much junk, and it won't hurt me too much (only 2 pounds gained, LOL), but I still need to have better self-control during celebrations.

  8. Sounds like a lovely birthday celebration and great wook on the growing business. Well done!! #ShareFourSomethings

  9. I'm so glad you visited my blog! I'm your newest follower now, I LOVE finding new blogs to follow! Happy July Birthday! July birthdays are the best :) I'm glad you had an amazing birthday! I have red the Rhythms of Renewal book and I LOVED it as well! We bought Taco Goat Cheese Pizza for my sisters family and we want to check it out! Have you played Taco Vs. Burrito??? You would love that one too! So very nice to meet you, I look forward to following!

    1. Stacy, thanks for stopping by and for the follow! I have not played Taco vs. Burrito, but now I am intrigued! I hope you have a great rest of your week!


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