"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Motivation #2

Back in March I wrote a post on motivation, not so much how to get it, but a little about what motivates me. You can read that post here. But a few days ago I was asked "How do you get motivation?" Can I admit I was a little stumped. I am not sure you can teach someone how to get motivation. We are all wired differently and what motivates me, might not motivate you.

So, I am silly and I am motivated by badges, stickers, or anything to do with a competition. I am very competitive and like to win.  

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

The biggest thing I can think of is to JUST START.   I know that is easier said than done, but the more we put it off the bigger it builds up in our head, and the harder it seems. It's like that saying, "how do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time."

A few other things that get/make me motivated:

Habit-If you do it regularly then you are more likely to do it.

Writing a list (I am motivated by getting to check off the items that I have done)

Making a plan and dividing tasks into multiple steps (again to check them off as completed)

Following a routine (I am more likely to stay motivated on a routine. When I do not have a routine I get tired and lazy!)

I have to say that the things that never get done are the things that are never planned. If I want to do something then I HAVE to make some kind of plan. Since I am not a professional on this topic I have reached out to others and searched the web...here what motivates others.

Thoughts from others:

KC says:  Competition; Enthusiasm; Group Effort; Praise and Recognition; Music

CB says:
Habit > motivation, personally. Make it something you just do, so even on "bad" days you habitually do it. To form habits, I use high value rewards.
For example, I want to start going to the gym. I promise myself a sweet snack/gaming time/etc. after I go to the gym. As it becomes more habitual the reward becomes less until its just something I do.
CA says: My Bible. Jesus worked. 
DL says: When I share encouragement it returns back to me as motivation to keep sharing, encouraging, and motivating. This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine. 
JS says: Tiny habits…start small but stay consistent and then add to it as you build the tiny habits into major change. 
Different people/articles around the web:
Kim Holderness talks about how she gets moving in the morning with this article.  
Top Twenty Motivational Bible Verses are here
I like this article that starts with finding our why. If you don't know why you want to do something or should do it, you obviously will not do it. So, 19 effective ways starting with why. 
This article from health line tells you how to get motivated with 22 tips here
This article has 17 Motivational Quotes meant to inspire you. 

 One more article with 7 Motivational Tips for Success can be read here.
So, can you help me out? Do you have any tips that have really worked for you to find/keep your motivation, that might be outside the box a little bit? This article is for the late teens/early twenties age group specifically, as this question came from a friend in that age group...it seems like a lot of our young people are struggling with this and if you have any tips I would love for you to leave them in the comments section. 

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