"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Friday, August 20, 2021

day 5 update


My update equals failure. It started yesterday when I woke up exhausted and hadn't slept well. So, for dinner last night Matt brought him and Kayla home Chinese food. She has wanted it all summer and we needed to get it for her before she headed back to school. I went over and without thinking popped a piece of sesame chicken into my mouth. When I am overtired I do not make good decisions and I was beyond over tired at this point. So, why was that a problem? It's not part of paleo and I am allergic to soy 😬 so, after 4 days of hard work, that equaled failure. But, I didn't realize it until this morning. I woke up and was like "Stink, now I am back at day one." Well, the left side of my face was really hurting and I had no energy so I decided to skip my walk. After a visit to urgent care I found out I have a sinus infection and fluid in my left ear, so they put me on 5 meds, told me to drink lots of fluids, rest for a few days and when I go back out to wear my mask.

Now I have to wait until I am feeling better to start working out again!! I appreciate all the encouraging words you all have given me this week and I hope you will pray that I have the motivation to start again in a few days! (and send lots of encouragement and reminder, help keep me accountable, lol) It took so much for me to get started this time and I am disappointed that I only made it four days 😢 On the bright side, I was enjoying my morning walks, doing well with my water intake and had lost almost a pound since Monday! So, in that way, all is not a failure 😊

Have you done the #75hardchallenge? How many times did you have to start over? 

Have a great weekend!

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