"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2015 goals

I don't know about you, but I feel like I never measure up. I have always had low self-esteem, been extremely self-conscious and have felt like I am never good enough. I am always looking for ways to improve myself. I need to be a better wife, mother, sister, friend, teacher etc...I am constantly looking for books to read to help improve myself. New Year's Resolutions always gave me a reason to re-evaluate where I was and set new "improvements" for the new year. But...

A few years ago I stopped doing New Year's resolutions. I found that after a while I wasn't keeping up with them and then I would feel guilty. The last thing I need is something else making me feel guilty. So, I started making goals, things I wanted to work toward. That didn't work so well either, so I decided I wouldn't do that either.

However, this year, I heard a sermon that really resonated with me, and I decided that I would make some new goals this year. The sermon's main points were to plan...if you never plan, you will never do what you want to do, which is SOOOO true. 

The pastor also used the scripture verse Luke 2:52 "Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people" and essentially rephrased it like this "Jesus grew intellectually and physically and spiritually with God and in His relationships."

I had never thought of that verse in that way. The pastor talked about setting goals in each of these areas (intellectually, physically, spiritually and relationally). Now, that is something I can do! 

One of the goals that I made was to read 15 books in 2015 that would help me in these areas. The books pictured below are several that I am planning to read. I also have Messy Beautiful Love, Reshaping it all, and Keep it Shut on my kindle. I am also doing Beth Moore's Bible Study, Children of the Day.

Now, I am not saying that you should do these things too, but that sermon really spoke to me (and I guess my need to improve myself!). If you feel the need to help keep me accountable, ask me what I am reading. Or if you are curious about a book, ask me how it is.

I have also set a goal to get more physically fit. Matt and I had really started working on that in the fall, then we went on vacation and we've not gotten back in the habit yet. We finally got out there this morning and started walking, I have been sick and wasn't up for our run, but we did walk. I didn't want to be out there and I didn't have the motivation to be out there, but I was there.  I am praying God will work on my motivation and energy.

I have set a few relationship goals as well. In January I spotlighted a specific friend that I knew needed encouragement and really focused on that friendship. I plan to work on different relationships each month, wherever I feel the biggest need is.

I may never be satisfied or feel like I measure up, but at least I know I am trying to be the  best me that I can be ;)

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