"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Share Four Somethings-February 2025

I have no idea how we are already at the last weekend of February! It was a weird month for us with lots of sickness and doctors appointments. Once we have some answers, I will expound upon that further. Our prompts for the Share Four Somethings link-up are some things we loved, some things we learned, some things that went well, and some things we let go of. While the prompts may be new, our host is not, we are still linking up with Jennifer

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Frozen Lake Erie

Today, 2/22/25, we went out to Edgewater Park in Cleveland to see the frozen Lake Erie! It was partially frozen earlier in the year, but we were not able to make it out there. This is the first time since we've moved here that it has been frozen. We went to the part of the park where there is a sandy beach and a swim area. It was 19, sunny, with a brisk wind when we got there. Most of the sand is covered with snow, and the lake is as well. In case you are wondering what frozen sand feels like, it feels like frozen dirt (Elijah made that observation 😂). We went a decent way out onto the lake, but not as far as other people had gone. The snow was pretty deep on the lake, and it was hard to walk in, plus super cold! I would love to go again and see it when it is frozen without snow, which I think would be even cooler than it was today. I will make comments on some photos, but basically all the uneven terrains are frozen waves.


Monday, February 17, 2025

When you're at the end of your rope...

We all go through those seasons where it seems like we are being bombarded on all sides. As soon as one thing settles, another hits. Before we know it we are spiraling down into depression and/or anxiety. I certainly don't have the answers, but hopefully, I can offer you a little bit of hope.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Winter Wonderland

Winter seems to be here to stay. We had snow the entire month of January (which made for a lot of great pictures!). We've had a wintery mix several times recently, which left our sidewalk and driveway covered in ice for quite a few days (even with salt having been thrown down ahead of the storm!).

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Book blanket

Have you heard of the temperature blanket? It's a blanket that you crochet using different shades of yarn for each temperature. I believe a color represents ten numbers, like blue for temps in the 30's or yellow for temps in the 70's.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

My year in pictures-January 2025

It has been over a year since I did my year in pictures. Last year was a hard year, with so many different distractions there wasn't room for many "extras," plus I just had a hard time remembering things. I am hoping to highlight pictures again this year that represent each month (someone keep me accountable, LOL).