"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Share Four Somethings January 2025

It is the first Share Four Somethings post of the new year! I am DETERMINED to be close to time with these posts, LOL, but we'll see how the year goes. If only determination equaled success, right?! Well, new year, new things to share. Our monthly prompts have been tweaked a bit. For 2025 they are some things we loved, some things we learned, some things that went well, and some things we let go of. While the prompts may be new, our host is not, we are still linking up with Jennifer

Something Loved 

I am loving carving out pockets of time to blog on this blog again, instead of all my time going to my book blog (which I still love!!). I am also loving the gift my sister got me for Christmas and how it is saving me money! Oddly, I am enjoying the snow we have on the ground, we've had snow since January 1. I am taking a lot of pictures and hope to do a post about it soon (you know, so I have stuff to talk about, LOL!). I am loving cleaning some things out (which I talk about below). I loved that we finished a puzzle this month, it has been ages since we've done them. I also loved that my son attempted to go out and build a snowman. While the snow wasn't right, he enjoyed the cold for a bit before coming back inside. I also got a fantastic surprise on Thursday with LOTS of bookish mail (my favorite kind of mail). Sadly, our used bookstore in town is closing. All their proceeds go to supporting literacy in our area and they just don't get enough business. We went and participated in their $5 book sale and managed to fill the bag!


Something Learned

I recently finished two books that were both speaking to me about being intentional. While that is not the goal of either book, they had some strong overlapping messages (hello, rest, looking at you) and I highly recommend them both. The first one is The Intentional Year"But this book is an invitation to stop. To listen. To pray. To be free of stress and anxiety and worry. To live intentionally."

Second, fruitfulness is not the same thing as productivity. Productivity is about what we're doing; fruitfulness is about who we're becoming."

This book had SO many good messages. I had borrowed it from the library, but once I started reading I knew I needed to own it. 

The second book is The New Loneliness"Letting God examine our hearts and motives is good. Blaming ourselves for everything that goes wrong is destructive."

"Could your shame be coming from a lie someone once told you or a lie your own inner critic keeps repeating?"
Another book with a lot of great messages and thoughts to ponder. I highly recommend both books, they were both five star reads for me.
Something That Went Well

I feel like I am starting to catch up on some things. I am getting back in the swing of using my zone cleaning, attempting to get more sleep, and get back into the routine of working out on a regular basis. I am still a work in progress in all of these areas, but I have started so I am counting it a win.

Something I Let Go Of

This prompt is easy for me this month. I have been working on cleaning out some of my books to fulfill a bookish challenge to get rid of 47 books before I turn 47. Going along with that I started junk journaling which is helping me to clean out Bible Study books that I am not going to do again, while keeping the treasures from each study. 

"To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Philippians 4:20

 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

What is something you have loved, accomplished, improved upon, or noticed this month?? To see what other bloggers are sharing this month head over to Jennifer's blog.

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  1. Your snow photos are so pretty. We've completed a few puzzles this month too and they were lots of fun.

  2. Wow, Cindy! What a challenge - to weed out 47 books before your birthday. Mmm ... I guess I'd have to get rid of (gasp!!) 70! But you know, I think I can do that. You've inspired me tonight, friend.

  3. It sounds like you had some really great things that went well this month! I am really liking the gift that your sister got you and considering getting this for myself. Good luck with your book challenge :).

    1. Maria, it was a good month. I LOVE the gift from my sister, I am thankful daily for it! I hope you do get them for yourself, they are worth it! Thank you, I am enjoying the challenges ;)

  4. I finished a puzzle too just last night (it took me a month, ha), and it was so fun that I started another one this afternoon. My friend's word of the year is Intentional; I'll have to share the book you love with her. What a great goal to get rid of 47 books before you turn 47! Hard, but wonderful. :)

    1. Lisa, yes, please do share the book, it is so good and helpful! We immediately started a Harry Potter puzzle we had not done, not as easy as it sounds either, LOL! I have gotten rid of 10ish books already, so I am off to a great start!

  5. I am also glad that you have been able to find pockets of time for blogging. I enjoy your posts as well as your visits around the blog world. I have never heard of junk journaling...but I sure do need a good idea for writing down the "nuggets" and getting rid of the Bible study notebooks! I am going to check into this - thanks!

    1. Jennifer, thanks for the encouragement, it is MUCH needed and appreciated! I look forward to hearing about your junk journaling adventure :)

  6. Sorry to hear about your used bookstore closing. We had one in our town too that closed a couple of years ago. We loved it and was especially handy when my daughters were in high school and had book lists for summer reading.

    1. Pam, they are already hard to find, so it is hard when one closes! Thanks for stopping by!


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