"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Share Four Somethings November 2021

I can't believe Thanksgiving is over and we are fast approaching Christmas. I started Christmas shopping WAY early this year so I only have a few things left to buy. While it was not intentional to start so early I am glad to be almost done. Welcome back to the monthly post of Share Four Somethings. I love this opportunity to look back over the past month and analyze from a different perspective how the month actually was! Share four somethings is a monthly link-up hosted by Heather Gerwing (thank you Heather!) where you literally share four somethings on the fourth Saturday of the month. The categories are Something Loved, Something Read (or Said), Something Treasured, and Something Ahead. Even if you do not participate in the link-up, I would love to hear your four somethings from the last month. 

Something Loved

I am loving the Fetch app. Have you heard of it? Essentially you scan ALL your receipts and get points for free gift cards. My sister told me about this app a few months ago and I have racked up enough points to turn it into a $25 dollar gift card to the retailer of my choice! I  have it hooked to my email— and it scans my receipts from Amazon or other retailers that are linked to my email. Or I take a quick pic of my receipt! It is easy to use and easy to earn points. Sign up for 2,000 (2,000 points=$2) bonus points (code below)! 👉🏻 https://fetchrewards.onelink.me/vvv3/referraltext?code=MQA7QU
Do you any apps like this that you love? If so, please let me know!

  Something Read or Said

I have another great month of read finishing up 29 books 😲(counting audio and children's books). I would be hard pressed to say which one of these was my favorite for the month. It would be between The Last Piece, A Flicker of Light, and Undercurrent of Secrets, but again, they were all really good!! Have you started reading Christmas books yet? What books have you read this month that were completely awesome?

Something Treasured

I am treasuring this holiday season. My daughter is home for a few days for Thanksgiving break and goes back to school tomorrow (Sunday 11/28) to finish up the semester and take her final exams. I would appreciate prayers for safe travels as I drive her to a friend's house (hour and a half away) and then for her and her friend as they drive the 7 hours back to school. I would also appreciate prayers for good health and for her to be able to focus and do well on her finals. We have spent a great amount of time together the last few days, playing games,watching TV, and just chatting. We hosted Thanksgiving dinner and we had my husband's entire family here, which was great. I can't remember the last time we were all together for something. We also put up our Christmas decorations which is a Thanksgiving tradition around here, you can read more about that and see lots of pictures, here. I hope you all have had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. What is something you are treasuring this season?

Something Ahead

The obvious thing is Christmas. We took pictures today that we will be putting on our Christmas card and I am looking forward to sending out Christmas cards. (enjoy the two that won't make the card, LOL) I look forward to receiving a few as well.

My daughter will be home the second week in December and we are looking forward to having her home for a few weeks.  Both of my kiddos will be working leading up to Christmas. 

I am still working on the Christmas reading challenges, one is from October-December to read 20 (or 5-10) Christmas themed books (I don't think I have ever read that many in a season, except when my kiddos were little and we read a ton of Christmas books), I have read 11/20. The other is a Read-a-thon from November 18-30, which I have not done quite as well with. It was not quite what I thought it would be. I thought it would mostly be just reading, but there are other challenges with it, which is fine, but I have not had time to participate. I am already thinking ahead to 2022, I am pretty sure the Lord has given me my word for the year, but I am still praying about it. I am also planning what reading challenges I will participate in 2022. Do you do any reading challenges? If so, I would LOVE to hear which ones and why. Do you do a word of the year?

So, what about you? What is something that you have loved in this month? Something you have read or said? Something treasured? Something you are looking forward to? I would love to hear from you!

"To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Philippians 4:20

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

You can join the link-up here.

 Share Four Somethings 


Comments bring me joy! Please share your thoughts below. I look forward to hearing from you.