"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reverse Culture Shock

I have heard people say that we would have Culture Shock when we moved back to the states. I'm like, "No, not me, I've visited for the past five years..."
Well, just in the day we've been back I've noticed several things...
1) The people are SO nice! Yes, I am serious.
2) The toilets in shopping centers appear to sit pretty low to the ground, and they have no backs!
3) It did not take hours to get cell phones!!!
4) I could get the cell phone I wanted, because they had it in stock!
5) The drivers on the road drive so nice...again, I am serious.
6) We drove around an entire day and didn't get into any "almost" accidents, not one!
7) The cashiers in places are again, so nice!!
8) The lady busing at Chick-fil-A was so nice and offered to refill our cups, without having to flag her down, ask for assistance, and without having to ask several times.
9) A lot of stuff is so cheap! Yes, I want candy canes for 98 cents, even though I don't need them!
10) I can change my cell phone plan anytime I want! Anytime! Without hassle, without having to go down to the store, I can just call them on the phone. I am in a 2 year contract, but the plan can change as many times as I want!
This is pretty random and I am sure there are a ton of things that I noticed...but that's what I remember at the moment...

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