"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Sunday, February 12, 2023

We are missing it

I hope the title of this post was enough to make you wonder what we are missing. I will get there in a few minutes. This one has been percolating for a few days so
hopefully my thoughts come out in a cohesive fashion.

I was doing my devotions and I was reading in Exodus. I came to Exodus 14:22 and I read, "So the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!" (NLT) As so often happens when I am reading the Bible, this verse hit me in a different way and stood out more than it had before.

Now, I am going to pause in my thought process and give a little bit of context. If you are not familiar with Exodus, Moses is leading the people of Israel away from Pharoah so that they can worship. Pharoah has once again changed his mind about Moses and the people leaving, so he has sent out an army that has caught up to the people. Moses cries out to God and God parts the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites and once they are safely across, the Lord has Moses stretch out his hand and the waters start flowing. Spoiler alert: all the Egyptian army died, none of them survived. (Exodus 14:15-31)

God gave Moses and the people of Israel a miracle. 

Here are my thoughts when I was reading this passage, first, they are walking with walls of water on each side, how cool is that? And, if I am honest, a little scary, right? I can see them walking and instead of seeing the miracle God is performing, they see these walls of water and wonder if they are going to make it across. They know the army is right behind them and I picture them worrying if the army is going to catch up. Then, they start fretting if there family is with them and close by. Why these particular thoughts? It's what I would do, it is what we all do. We start fretting and we miss what is right in front of us, focusing on the wrong things! Now, obviously, I am projecting my thoughts and feelings into this passage. We are not told they worry. We don't know (or at least I don't) how long it took to cross the Red Sea. We are told "all that night" God drove back the sea, but at morning watch he threw the Egyptian army into confusion (verses 21 &24), so all night they are crossing the sea. That is a long time to see these walls of water on each side of you.

This reminded me of when Peter walks on water (Matthew14:29). In this passage of scripture Jesus is walking on water toward the disciples and they thought He was a ghost. Jesus told them it was Him, and Peter basically asks Jesus to prove it by letting him walk on water. Jesus tells him to come to Him and next thing Peter knows he is walking on water!! How exciting! But, the next thing we know Peter is terrified of the strength of the wind and he is sinking. What happened? Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and noticed the wind was strong and he was afraid!! He was in the middle of his own miracle and let the wind distract him. We look at him and go, how silly! Jesus is obviously stronger and more powerful than the wind. But, how can we judge Peter when we do the same thing? We think our problem is bigger than Jesus. We are leaning on our own understanding instead of standing on the promises of God. In Moses battle, God had assured then, before He parted the Red Sea that He would fight for them, but it took it all coming to pass before the people believed in Him (Exodus 14:31).

God does not change. He is still doing miracles, He is still working in our lives, and if we are not careful, we will miss it!! It reminds me of a song by John Reddick:

God Turn it Around: Listen to full song here.

He is up to something
Hе is up to something
God is doing something
He is up to something
He is up to something
God is doing something
Right now
He is healing someone 

He is saving someone
God is doing something
(Right now) Right now
He is healing someone
He is saving someone
God is doing something
Right now
He is moving mountains
Making a way for someone
God is doing something (Yes, He is)
Right now (Right now)
He is moving mountains
(Making a way) Making a way for someone
God is doing something
Right now
He is moving mountains
Making a way for someone
God is doing something
Right now (Right now)
He is moving mountains
Making a way for someone
God is doing something

WE need to stop leaning on our own understanding, stop letting things distract us from what God is doing here. God, more of you, less of us. Help us to see you, help us to recognize You working in our lives, each and every day! I know He is here, I know He is working, and I want to be active participant in what He is doing, not a casual observer, or worse yet, miss it completely!!! For All My Life has been in my head for days, and this is my prayer for me and you, that we will not lean on our own understanding, but that we would let God lead us. It is hard to miss what He is doing if we are fully surrendered and have open hands when we come to Him.

For All of My Life by Taya You can listen here.

When my troubles are a little too heavy
Who I can turn to, to share the weight?
When my mind is cluttered and cloudy
Who can I turn to, to clear the way
Who can I turn to, I turn to You

I won’t lean on
My own
I will let go
Empty handed
You said Your yoke is easy
You said Your burden’s light
So I’ll let You
Lead me
For all my life

When my past is still trying to haunt me
Who can I turn to, to give me grace
When my future is a little uncertain
Who can I turn to, turn to today
Who can I turn to, I turn to You

Some days are long, some work is tough
Whatever I lack You make it up
Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light
You gave me life, You give me love
Whenever I’m dry You fill my cup
Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light

I won’t lean on
My own
I will let go
Empty handed
You said Your yoke is easy
You said Your burden’s light
So I’ll let You
Lead me
For all my life

I know Your yoke is easy
I know Your burden’s light
So I’ll let You
Lead me
For all my life


  1. Cindy, I was literally just reading this passage yesterday morning. That God was speaking to you at the same time is such a joyful experience. Thanks for hitting the publish button on these devotional thoughts. Such a blessing.

  2. Bless you, Cindy. What a beautiful reminder. 💗

  3. WOW - this was exactly what I needed to read this afternoon! God has been working (and working and working) all around me and for me over these several weeks. And, how often have I missed the miracles? Spent (wasted) time fretting and focusing on "the walls of water" rather than all He is doing? Such a great application of this familiar story....and so personal for me just now. Thank you!

  4. Ah, Jennifer, I am so glad to hear that! I needed it too, LOL! God is so good to give us what we need when we need it. You know how it is with Scripture, you can read it and reread it, and suddenly it hits you in a different way.


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