"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Share Four Somethings-May 2024

We continue to have a lot going on, with transitions and stuff, some family members health, etc. I have been working 6 days a week since January, and I thought with quitting my nanny job I would be able to cut back, but we are still playing catch up with our sewing business, so 6 days a week is still the norm, sadly. I am hopeful that we will get caught up this month and things will be more manageable, and we go back to 5-days a week of work, but we will see.

Anyway, I am happy to be able to look back over the month and link up with Jennifer to share my Four Somethings. I will be sharing things I've loved or disliked, something accomplished, something improved upon/or needs to be improved, and something I've noticed.

Something Loved or Disliked

I think I touched on this in my last post, but I loved that Kayla graduated this month!! To see more about that, you can check out this post: The One Where She Graduates! I also am thankful to have celebrated 25 years of marriage to my husband this month. We got away for a few days, taking a trip to Michigan. We had a blast. You can see pictures and more about that in my post 25th Anniversary Trip.  

We had a few things I disliked this month. I woke up with my clavicle swollen on the right side, it took two and a half days to get into the doctor, only to have that appointment canceled the day of, and having to get another appointment in another town, only to be told it could be so many things, so we will start with an anti-inflammatory medicine and go from there, but it should be cleared up in 10-14 days. We are at day 11 and there has been no improvement. The other major thing is that my daughter and her boyfriend broke-up. They had been together for 18-months and were talking marriage. However, they felt like God was telling them to end it. It was quite a shock and their are waves of grief. I would appreciate prayers for Kayla. 

Something Accomplished

We have finished more projects for our sewing camps and have a few more students signed up. The things above could technically be things accomplished as well.

Something Improved upon or needs improvement

My health still falls into the "needs" improvement category. Last month I said I wanted to get in a good exercise routine, but that did not happen. I still did stuff, but haven't established the routine. I did buy a used bicycle, and got it out one time before our trip (currently in NC), but the gears were not set right and I about died 😂😂. I am looking forward to more bike rides.

Small updates this month, but I am just thankful to get the post done :)

"To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Philippians 4:20

 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
What is something you have loved, accomplished, improved upon, or noticed this month?? To see what other bloggers are sharing this month head over to Jennifer's blog.


  1. Oh, getting a bike for fitness is such a good idea! Love that!

  2. Praying for you. So exciting that your daughter graduated from college!

  3. We have a graduation coming up too; it's such an exciting time! Congrats to your daughter. I am so sorry to hear of her break-up. I am sure that was so hard after talking of getting married. I hope you get some relief from your swollen clavicle soon!


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