"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Share Four Somethings-December 2021

I can't believe it is a week until Christmas! I feel like this past month has flown by and 2022 will be here before we know it. I know a lot of people are ready for this year to be over, but I'm just not. I think it's because time is just moving too quickly.  I need it to slow down just a bit so I can catch my breath!

Welcome back to the monthly post of Share Four Somethings. I love this opportunity to look back over the past month and analyze from a different perspective how the month actually was! Share four somethings is a monthly link-up hosted by Heather Gerwing (thank you Heather!) where you literally share four somethings on the fourth Saturday of the month. The categories are Something Loved, Something Read (or Said), Something Treasured, and Something Ahead. Even if you do not participate in the link-up, I would love to hear your four somethings from the last month. 

Something Loved

God placed it upon my heart to start a Little Free Library and I have been actively working on that these past few weeks. We are planning to open it in January once it is built. I am an avid reader and super excited to be able to promote literacy in our neighborhood/community. I am also thankful that it is a way to love my neighbors. I have bought books from my local library's book sale, and some from Goodwill, but hope that going forward I will not have to buy any or very little. I have had four authors contact me and offer to send me books for the Free Little Library. I have been reaching out the past few days to publishers and several said yes, they would send me some books. You all, I was shocked beyond words yesterday when I opened my door yesterday and there were 3 BOXES full of books for the Free Little Library, God is so good!!! I was pretty sure this particular publisher had said no, but here we are. There is a longer story here, a back story, but I will say you cannot out give God. Seriously, He is so good.

Something Read or Said
I had an okay month of reading, finishing 16 books since last month (counting audio and children's books). I had several duds and lower rated books, which is somewhat unusual for me. I only had two 5 star reads this month. 
If you like romantic comedies I highly recommend Emma St. Clair's Love Cliche' series! They are hilarious! I listened to them on audio book, (they are on Scribd) and it just added to my enjoyment. Roy the Koi Gets in a Jam is a cute children's book that teaches children the value of saving for a "rainy" day. I loved it.

Something Treasured

I am treasuring this holiday season. My daughter is home home for Christmas, we have had youth gatherings in our house, we have plans on the calendar, dare I say things are feeling more normal?! I am finished with my Christmas shopping, all the presents are wrapped, we are done with school for 2021, and now I can slow down and relax a bit before everything starts back up in January.

                                        Something Ahead

The obvious thing is Christmas. In.a.week. I seriously just can't even. This week will be busy. Tomorrow we have a potluck right after Church, then I am hosting our youth Christmas party late that afternoon (which I spent the entire morning baking for). Monday morning my husband and daughter have eye appointments and then we are going to my sister-in-law's house for a Christmas lunch. It will be my husband's family and my sister-in-law's family. Right after Christmas we are headed to TN to spend time with my sister and brother, and then we will meet my in-laws at my husband's uncle's cabin in the mountains of TN. Back in time for school to start back up and my daughter to head back to college!

So, what about you? What is something that you have loved in this month? Something you have read or said? Something treasured? Something you are looking forward to? I would love to hear from you!

"To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Philippians 4:20

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

You can join the link-up here.

 Share Four Somethings 


  1. I also enjoy the Love Cliche books. How cool that you're opening a Little Free Library. I'd love to do that one day. I already drop books off at ones around town.

    1. I am excited about the Library. The process is quite easy (thankfully!) and there is so much info at their site to help! Have a wonderful Christmas!


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