"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Share Four Somethings May 2021

It is hard to believe how fast May is going! We have been out of school for three weeks already! We finished early this year...we were all ready for a break! I am excited to be doing the monthly link-up of "Sharing Four Somethings" again this month.

Something Loved

We were able to get away for a long weekend to Myrtle Beach last weekend. My husband and I were celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary 💓 We decided pretty close to the last minute to find someone to watch our puppy. It ended up being the BEST decision we could have made. We were able to reconnect with our kiddos with no distractions. No tv, no video games, no needy puppy! We had so much fun, lots of laughter, great conversations, mini-golf, bookstores (of course!), feet in the sand and sun. I am so thankful for this time away, especially since it had been years since we had gotten to do anything for our anniversary, and after such a weird/difficult year! 

Something Read (or said)

If you know me at all you know that I LOVE to read and I am ALWAYS in a book or two 📚! I did not have the opportunity to read as much this past month as I would normally have, so I will only share one book this time. I had the opportunity to be on the book launch team for
Forbidden Gift
by author Debra Torres. I love Amish fiction and have read so much of it that I thought nothing could surprise me. Debra proved me wrong as her book was VERY different from the other Amish books that I have read, and I loved that! You can read all my thoughts on it here.

Something Treasured

My mom sent me a quilt that she had made for me and I got it on Wednesday. It is such a special, unexpected gift and I will cherish it. It is beautiful. I wish that I could make quilts like she does. I have made a few, but the results are not quite the same, LOL! Once I got the quilt on our bed my husband said, "It really brightens up our room!" And it does. Thanks mom, we love it!

Something Ahead

There are so many things coming up, lot of changes, and travel plans. At this exact moment, the thing I am looking forward to most is my sister, brother-in-law, and niece coming (with one of their dogs) on Thursday! Obviously with everything going on in the last year or so, it has been way too long since we have seen them!

I am thankful and grateful for the things that I have shared here and so much more! I love the way this post has had me reflect over the last month. What about you? What is something you
have l
oved, read (or said), treasured? And what is something ahead that you are looking forward to? I would love to hear your Four Somethings!

"To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Philippians 4:20

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

You can join the link-up here.

Share Four Somethings


  1. Ah ... nothing's better than the beach!

    Heaven on earth.

  2. That book sounds really good! I love to read, but would you believe I've never read Amish fiction? I know I should try one, because I love the movies and have friends that love that genre. I'll have to try this one, so thanks for the recommendation. I love that quilt! What a gift to be able to do that. I have one quilt that someone made from old team flags that I love and use often. I enjoyed reading your blog! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Amish fiction used to be my favorite genre. I still enjoy it but I don't read as much of it as I used to. My mom taught herself to make quilts, her talent is so much better than mine. I made my kids T-shirt quilts and they are very flawed...but they don't mind, they knew the heart behind it :)

  3. A home made quilt is so special. Lucky you!

    1. Agreed, it is one I will treasure forever :)

  4. Oh my - that quilt definitely is a treasure!! Your mom is really talented!! Happy anniversary - glad you were able to get away...hooray!!

  5. That's a gorgeous quilt! So glad you were able to enjoy Myrtle Beach. The beach is my happy place.

    1. The beach is my happy place as well! It always reminds me of the magnitude of God.

  6. Yay for a get-away and the quilt is gorgeous!

  7. I am a Four Somethings straggler...I have never read Amish fiction. Maybe I'll try it this summer.

    We had a wonderful family vacation and spent Christmas in Myrtle Beach a few years ago. It is delightful.

    1. No worries, I did not realize my comments were not showing up, I just thought nobody was visiting! So, I am a late straggler, replier, lol. I am glad you were able to get to Myrtle a few years ago. We took my mom a few years ago, it was her first (and only) trip to the beach, she loved it.


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