"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Monday, May 2, 2016

Get rid of it

A move is a perfect time to get de-clutter, simplify and get rid of stuff. Knowing we were going to be moving again, the last year in Greece we gave away a lot of clothes, books, and toys. I thought I had done a good job of getting rid of stuff.
Until we got in our new house.
Once we got in our house we unloaded the suitcases we had brought with us and our airshipment. I set to organizing right away, because that is what I do. I soar in an organized space, but I flounder and flop in clutter. I just can't handle it. Then we got our storage stuff....what?! What is all this stuff?! I did not realize we had so much stuff. So, I set about trying to organizing that too, again, because that is what I do. The next day we got our sea shipment.
I was drowning in clutter and disorganized chaos.
We have never had such an unorganized move. It was not even our fault. When the movers in Greece (6 of them) packed out our stuff, Matt couldn't keep an eye on all of them (for those doing math, it was one Matt and 6 movers and 8 separate areas that they were packing up.) So, when we got our stuff, one box would have homeschool stuff, but was labeled toys, so it ended up upstairs instead of downstairs. Another box was labeled dining room, but somehow ended up upstairs. Some boxes had toys from Kayla's room, toys from Elijah's room and some homeschool stuff!!! It was a mess.
I don't understand the thinking process that went behind the boxes. When the movers unpack stuff they literally just take everything out of the box and sit it on the floor. Which I prefer. That way I don't have to get rid of the boxes and I can see what is what. As I was sorting stuff I was sitting it near the stairs...top or bottom depending on which direction the item needed to go. I told the kids not to walk up or down the stairs empty handed, to carry something in the direction it needed to go. I carried books up and down the stairs for 4 solid days!!! Everything ached. My arms and hands still ache (I am not exaggerating).
As I was sitting on my homeschool room floor trying to get everything organized, I snapped. Why did we have so much stuff?? I had been cleaning it out every.single.year...there should not be this much clutter!!
Why was I holding onto stuff that we NEVER used?! What was the point of that? Did I really think if I had not used it in 5 YEARS I was suddenly going to use it now?! Um, no. That was the final straw. In the last 5 years we have lived in 3 different houses/countries...and I had packed and unpacked this stuff enough. I realized I needed to quit holding onto this stuff that I never used! It was not bringing me joy, it was causing a lot of frustration as I was trying to organize it and I did not have enough space for it all. As I was cleaning this stuff out (at least a hundred books/games/puzzles) I wondered what else I was holding onto that I did not need.
Feelings of being overwhelmed.
Wondering what we had gotten ourselves into.
I could go on, but I will not because you get the point. What about you? What are you holding onto that you need to get rid of? Do you have clothes in your closet that you haven't worn in 10 years? I think you can get rid of them. Shoes you never wear? Get rid of it. Knicknacks that you are tired of dusting around, that you don not know what to do with them? Get rid of it? Jealousy over something? Get rid of it. Anger at someone that you have not let got of? Get rid of it! Bitterness that your life has turned out how you wanted it?? I get it!! Get rid of it!!!!!!!!!!! Did you know that holding onto these things can actually make you sick??? Did you know that their is an actual disorder for prolonged bitterness?? It's called PTED (posttraumatic embitterment disorder). People actually experience symptoms of anxiety, depression and rage from this disorder. Is that bitterness you are holding onto worth the way it is making you feel? Is that anger worth it? Are you finding joy in the clutter around you?! If not, get rid of it!!! You will feel so much better, mentally and physically.
I love this verse:
"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:31-32 ESV)."
Life is so incredibly short you all. So incredibly short. Get rid of the things in your home that are not bringing you joy. Get rid of the things in your life that are bringing you down. Get rid of the people that are not healthy for you. Clean out the clutter and reclaim your life, find joy in the everyday moments, make them count, because you do not get a chance to do life over. Focus on the people and things that do matter and let go of the things that do not. You will be so much happier and healthier if you do.

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